OBSESSED! Wig ladies on TikTok (and why you should follow me there)


SoOoOo... I went on an Instagram break a few weeks ago.

(because sometimes you just need to NOT see another infographic about how to "show up authentically" while filtering your face to the gawds).

When I finally emerged from my social media cave, TikTok was HOT(and on the verge of collapse JK JK), and I dove in headfirst.

And CHILD. Let me tell you who/what/where tickles my brain's fancy: Lady Grayy Wigs.

Not because I needed a new 'do (though their wigs are GIVING).

But because this brand is absolutely CRUSHING the community-building game.

They've turned TikTok Lives into QVC-meets-slumber-party vibes where people aren't just buying – they're BELONGING.

And yes, I bought THREE wigs today. Not just because they're gorgeous, but because the free styling and wearing kit they throw in as a bonus is INSANE.

(They also shout you out by name which makes you feel like a damn celebrity.)

Plus, I've been FIENDING to go copper or blonde without dropping $400+ on salon visits three times a year.

These wigs = instant gratification without the damage. GENIUS.

This isn't your typical "buy my stuff" transaction tho.

It's intimate. It's real. It's people showing up for each other while just happening to snag a fabulous wig.

(and there's three accounts with different reps -- so your vibe, your choice)

And it hit me – THIS is what we all need to get back to. Building genuine connections that aren't just "gimme your credit card" transactions.


Their TikToks follow EXACTLY what I teach in my welcome sequence framework:

  • Trust (building community and showing their real selves)
  • Triggers (addressing the pain of expensive salon visits and hair damage)
  • Try It!! (limited-time bonuses that make saying no practically impossible)

Which brings me to my two tiny requests:

  1. ​FOLLOW ME ON TIKTOK! I'm trying to hit 1000 followers so I can go live and nerd out about copy, business, side hustles, and multi-hyphenate living. (AKA getting paid to yap. HELLO DREAM JOB.)
  2. ​SIGN UP FOR "Quick Copy That Converts: The Stay Ready Method" workshop. It's going to help you nail exactly this kind of genuine connection in your emails, welcome sequences, and website copy.

I promise I won't just dump content and ghost you – I'll be there answering your questions on video, cheering you on, and making sure you EXECUTE.

Because what good is advice if you don't actually use it? Looking at all the untouched courses in my digital library... I see you.

Yap soon (LOL),

Christina Torres​
Chief Creative Officer
​Run & Tell That - Copy. Content. Culture.
w: www.runandtellthat.co e: christina@runandtellthat.co​

P.S. If you can’t make it on Friday, register anyway to get the 48-hour replay! [REGISTER HERE]​


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Run and Tell That LLC - Ride or Buy Copy Agency

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